NCAE Endorses Attorney General Josh Stein for Governor in 2024
Today the NCAE Great Public Schools Fund announced its endorsement of Attorney General Josh Stein in his campaign for governor of North Carolina. NCAE is the state’s largest education advocacy organization for public school employees representing active, retired and student members.
Attorney General Josh Stein
“Josh Stein is a proven champion for pro-public-school policies and has the best interests of our students, public school communities and staff at heart,” said NCAE President Tamika Walker Kelly. “We know AG Stein will continue to serve as a strong advocate for public education and bring North Carolina back to a position of leadership and respect in public education, centering the issues that matter most to our public-school communities at the center of his campaign. Our members and community allies look forward to working closely with the next governor of North Carolina."
The endorsement was announced before Attorney General Stein addressed NCAE’s 53rd Annual Convention and Representative Assembly, held in Greensboro on April 1-2.
“North Carolina’s kids need a good teacher in every classroom and a good principal in every school. That means investing in our public schools to ensure that teachers, administrators, counselors, and all other school staff are supported, compensated, and safe. There is no greater priority than our kids’ education. NCAE understands that, which is why I’m proud to have NCAE’s endorsement,” said Stein.
Stein was introduced by his father, Adam Stein, who was part of the team of lawyers that guided the merger of North Carolina Teachers Association (NCTA), the former statewide organization of African American educators and the North Carolina Education Association which created NCAE in 1970.